Friday, January 4, 2013

What's a Downton?

Dear Friends,

I am proud to say my Mom and I discovered the gem that is the BBC series "Downton Abbey" before it became all the rage that it is now. For those of you who have never watched Downton Abbey, I highly recommend it. I often describe it as an intelligent soap opera set in the early 1900s. It contains all the drama, humor, and wittiness that anyone could ask for.

Downton Abbey provides insight into the "upstairs, downstairs" relationship between the wealthy homeowners and their employees, who work 'downstairs.' Maggie Smith plays the the brilliant Dowager Countess, Lady Grantham. Her privilege shows in this favorite clip from the show:

I decided it would be fun to make a play on this hilarious one-liner from Maggie Smith on a t-shirt in my Etsy shop. When Downton Abbey became a hit, many people were asking the question: "What is Downtown Abbey?" So if you love this show, you will understand my t-shirt in my Etsy shop, shown here!

Check out the premiere this Sunday on PBS!!

Words Truly,


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