Sunday, November 4, 2012

Love Thee Notre Dame: Why?

Dear Friends,

You may see this blog post and think, "Another one about Notre Dame? Really?" You may see this blog post and be incredibly excited because you love Notre Dame as much as I do. Hopefully, all of you will see this blog post and think, "That's a darn good question." If you know me, you know I am obsessed with the University of Notre Dame. The words to our Alma Mater are as follows:

Love thee, Notre Dame. This is a given, an absolute. But why? 

I can give you the obvious reasons in a heartbeat. Notre Dame is one of the most selective schools in the world, has an outstanding academic program, is a premiere research university, and is the home of one of the most storied college football programs of all time (Love them or hate them, you can't deny the history). I love Notre Dame for all of these things, but all of these things are not why I love Notre Dame. 

I love Notre Dame because no matter where you are on campus, there is something to remind you of the beauty of God's creation. I cannot choose the most beautiful place on campus because everything is so beautiful (yes, even the Rad Lab everybody!) From the signature Golden Dome, to the massive football stadium overlooked by Touchdown Jesus, to the beautiful twin lakes to the west of campus, I cannot think of  a more beautiful place in which to live. 

I love Notre Dame because legacy and tradition are its life blood. It unites families. My Papa loved Notre Dame more than I do. For my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, their children bought them a tree at Notre Dame, adjacent to the Golden Dome. It is now known as "Papa's Tree," and we always visit it when my family comes to ND for a visit.

Part of the huge family at ND a few weeks ago for the BYU Game!

I love Notre Dame because it gives those younger than us something to dream about and to strive for. It awakens a passion in the hearts of young boys and girls, like this one. "I'm going to go to Notre Dame someday." 

If this isn't pure, unadulterated joy, I don't know what is.

I love Notre Dame because it is a place founded on and grounded in Catholicism. My faith is one of the most cherished aspects of my life and to have a place like Notre Dame where living your faith, loving Jesus, and standing up for your beliefs does not make you part of the minority is very special. There are chapels in each dorm and in many of the school buildings, a central Basilica, and The Grotto, a beautiful place to light a candle and send your prayers heavenward. As Father Hesburgh, former Notre Dame president, states, "How many places have a place to pray? The Grotto is Notre Dame's Praying Place."

I love Notre Dame because when I am far from home and missing my family, I have another Mother looking down on me. 

I could go on. Truly. Call me obsessed, but I love Notre Dame with all my heart and believe it to be one of the most special places on Earth, as a physical location, an institution, and a united body of people. As Ohio State Coach Urban Meyer said recently, "You come walking into high school with a (Notre Dame) shirt on, you either get something thrown at you or a big hug." Notre Dame seems to be a love/hate university; you either love them or you hate them.

If I see you wearing a Notre Dame shirt, you'll get the biggest hug of your life. Go Irish.

God. Country. Notre Dame.

Love Thee, Notre Dame.

Words Truly,


1 comment:

  1. Hello Maggie! I love your post - I so agree. As I sit here watching Hallmark Christmas movies looking at the Christmas tree - the view out the front window is ND golf course and the Golden Dome. It is truly a magical place and looking forward to walking to the Grotto this evening in the cold South Bend December air. There is no better place for Midnight Mass in the world. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
