Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Pleasure to Meet You

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my new blog, Words Truly! I hope you will enjoy my musings on life, rants about pet peeves, features of friends' blogs, and general every day chatter. My blog is linked with my small business of the same name on Etsy, which I will tell you more about later in this post. My motivations for writing this blog are two-fold: I want to promote my business and I have a lot to say. Though it may be rather trite and typical, my first post will be an introduction - an introduction to me, to my Etsy shop, and to my life.

The simple details: I am a ripe 19 years old, a Pre-Med/Theology student at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, and an avid reader, musician, writer, and photographer. I was born in August, so I am a "young-in" for my grade (in other words, all of my friends will be 21 a year before me...). I am studying at the University of Notre Dame, which I describe as my dream-come-true school. My mother is an alumna of Notre Dame and I wanted to follow in her footsteps. Attending Notre Dame was my dream from the second grade on and I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to live my dream.

The Golden Dome at  ND
The Basilica of the Sacred Heart
One of my favorite photos

Touchdown Jesus!
Those are four of thousands of photographs I have taken on Notre Dame's campus. You may think this is a gross exaggeration. Trust me, it's not. Notre Dame is heaven on Earth and I could not be happier as a student of Our Lady's University. I am studying to be a doctor and am double majoring in Pre-Health Studies and Theology. Why Theology? Well, if I can't heal you, I'll pray for you! In all seriousness, I truly believe medicine, healing, and faith are all interwoven. Nothing makes sense without my faith. Call me your typical Catholic school girl if you will (I wore my skort an inch above the knee - thank you mother...), but I stand by my faith in Jesus Christ!

Now you may be asking how on Earth does she have time to start an Etsy shop and blog about her life while being a student at Notre Dame. I can't. No, I did not drop out of school to live at home, blogging about life from the safety of my (incredibly comfortable) couch. I am home for the semester on medical leave and I am incapable of not being busy. Have no fear, I am just fine, and perhaps will detail my exciting medical leave in another blog post.

My Etsy shop: cleverly (I'd like to think) entitled "Words Truly," my shop is centered around the words and lyrics that weave our world together. My crafting history is not particularly glorious. My mom, the wonderful crafty goddess that she is, could not get me to master sewing or knitting. My stick figures get laughs from five year olds. One of my fondest memories of my childhood was the attempt to sew pillows in the shape of my name, "MAGGIE." If I remember correctly, it appeared I was named "MOLLIF." Needless to say, I was not blessed with artistic abilities. However, I am very creative when it comes to words, whether it is writing poetry or creating witty sayings to fill the pages of a letter to a friend. I have combined my passion for the written word with a few simple crafts that I love to make and have a very hard time screwing up! Here is the link for my shop, Words Truly. I hope you enjoy!

Here are a few of my products. I am in full production mode and will be adding new items as soon as they are finished and photographed!

If you've been forced to read Moby Dick, you understand.

A tribute to Anne of Green Gables and all those bosom friends out there!

Beautiful vintage glass dome pendants

Well, I think that is enough of an introduction for one day. I look forward to meeting you and am very excited to begin this journey of running a small business! One day at a time...

Words Truly,


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